Monday, May 25, 2009

4 little owls...

Somebody gave somebody in this house a present in this gift bag a long time ago. I don't know what it was, or who it was from (feel free to remind me and earn some credit), but D LOVES this bag a LOT. It's just a typical gift bag, but it has these CUTE little owls on it! the other side had the same owls, but they WERE 3D. Those owls are now all gone. One is on D's door, several are on the back of the passenger seat in the car... etc. D loves this bag, he puts toys in it to carry to the park, he holds the owls and loves them, it's sweet.
SO: yesterday, the bean was asleep, and I had C to help me, so D rooted through my scrap CRATE (I used to have a scrap basket, now I have a giant box... Clearly I need to make one of those scrap-buster quilts like a postage stamp or around the world or something, but between my love of vintage floral prints and D's very vibrant print choices, it would be an ODD quilt!) back to the story: D chose the fabrics (the pink floral is the backing to the "flower blanket" he loves so much), and C helped me enlarge the owl design, and in less than 30 minutes, D had what he is now calling his "owl ball!" Pretty cute, huh?

The mistakes came later, when I decided to attempt another freehand, so he could have 4 little owls sitting on a branch... this green thing did NOT turn out quite as cute... or maybe just not as OWL-like. still kinda cute in a monster-ish way, no?

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