Sunday, July 5, 2009

the Bean's reversible dress!

all made from scraps!
i decided to try this out, i've seen bibs made like this. basically, you just tie a knot where you want a button, so you can easily lengthen or shorten straps, as a kid grows. so i thought it might be cool on this dress/top. plus it makes it more easily reversible with no buttons on the inside, for comfort.

I put reverse-print heart pockets on the front of both sides...
I know an adult could never get away with putting these two prints together, but it works, I swear, on a baby.
I also made some lightweight knit pants out of purple jersey... red might be better, but I didn't have the right shade, and I didn't want to buy anything to test out this pattern.
does anyone want a tutorial on this? I might post the pattern if anyone is interested...
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1 comment:

  1. So cute! I added you to my blog roll!:)
