Thursday, January 21, 2010

fun with food coloring.

this makes me sooooo happy.
painting, sewing, dyeing, all sooooo fun!
I mentioned before that I've started an afghan... I am using Pattons Pure Wool, (because it's easy and cheap), but I want more colors...
I've played with kool aid before, and that's super fun, but I also have lots of old bottles of random supermarket food coloring (from before I found the Wiltons ones, which are awesomely superior in every way)...
I need/want more greens and teals, so I took some natural and some heather yarns, made small loose skeins (guestimating the amount I would need to do one square per), and mixed up some dye...

I did the vinegar/water bath for the time it took to watch project runway on tivo, then popped them in the dye baths and microwaved the heck outa them!

don't you like my pretty greens!

I'm soooo excited to play with more bits! these have to dry, then I'm going to make a block to see how accurate I was in my estimation.... I'd like to have lots and lots of similar but different shades of greens, teals, and blues (NOT variegated, that's not the look I want for this afghan!), so I'm carefully NOT recording the shades/recipes. I don't want to make them look the same.

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