Friday, April 30, 2010

Married Couple Western Shirt

can be worn by either husband or wife!

He wears it tucked in, I wear it tied up...

the topstitching makes us both happy!
and its such an awesome color!
(edited to add this picture of the detail of the back... I actually TRIED to make the top-stitching a little wonky, I wanted it to look hand done)
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  1. Love it!!! Really love it! I commented on your flickr photo that I am going to make one too (I'm gonna cheat and buy a ready made shirt to embroider on). I'm a true procrastinator so putting it out there in written words will help keep me on target. I am so going to try this!

  2. just make sure you make the stitching a little wonky, so that it's OBVIOUSLY hand done... otherwise it looks like a cheaply done machine-made shirt (trust me, I tried to make it perfect the first time, and ripped it all out!)...
    it's pretty fast to do, too, so have fun!

  3. I love this top! I started a western-style dress from Amy Butler's Liverpool pattern but then I chickened out.

    If you haven't already seen it, check out She makes one of a kind western shirts for men, women, and children, and there's some awesome inspiration on her gallery.

    Here's her link.

  4. Fun shirt!

    I have a weekly Thursday blog party especially for people to share things they've made to be worn. Stop by if you'd like!
