Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Easy as Pie dress...

Do y'all have a Rolled Hem foot for your sewing machine? It makes this dress take about 30 minutes to sew, (and it's also incredibly useful for lots of other garments). I've basically stopped doing all other sorts of hems, I love this foot so much. (I have the high-shank one, for my Bernina, but the actual FOOT part looks identical).
Anyway, for $6 on Amazon, I can HIGHLY recommend it.
I'm working on Illustrator today, while the Bean naps, and D plays with bungee cords in the backyard....
I'm loving Illustrator!
Isn't it pretty!?!?!
I whipped up a size 6 too, (and timed myself, <30 minutes, including cutting and ironing), so now I need to find a size 6 little girl to try it on.
fabric from my Gram's stash
I'll be needing pattern testers later this week! (Basically after I find a size 6 to test this dress!) I'm drafting it from 18M to 6T, because I feel like this simple dress is suitable for that age range, but if you are the mother of an older or younger (or, rather, bigger or smaller) girl, and would be interested in this dress, PLEASE let me know via email!

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