Tuesday, January 12, 2010

more WR!

I LOVE GIRL CLOTHES! sooooo much easier and faster than boy stuff!

ok, so you saw this dress already, but, as much as it was clearly loved by it's wearer... it needed MORE:
I just roughly copied the design of snowflakes/asterisks and freehand embroidered them, a large and a small, in dark blue... Makes it look more intentional, less "remade" IMO.

then I made a bunch (3) more:

(I love this pic of her trying to get her dresses down. My Bean is SUCH a girl: dresses, necklaces, sparkles, cooking, dollies... these things must be genetic, b/c I DON'T try to push her to girly things...)
Here're the close-ups of what I did, each is slightly different.
I made pompoms on this one, two, obvi. I just cut squares of both fabrics, stacked them crookedly, and sewed them together, with a button in the middle. It was supposed to look more like a flower. After I sewed the button, I cut the petals out, (just straight lines, not curved daisy petals or anything)... and sewed on... this is how it bunched up after washing. I love it.
this one is filthy, I couldn't wait to wash it for the photo. I used a scrap of the onesie that I cut to make a rose, like a standard ribbon rose, and sewed it on. It was prettier before it was washed (yeah, she's already worn this one twice, in 4 days! she LOVES it, and chooses it/pulls it out of laundry and tries to put it on), cause the jersey shrank back up, but it's cute anyway.
Especially ON my daughter:

See? She's really excited about her dress, that's why she's lifting it up, to show it off. there's something about little girls and lifting up their own skirts... sigh.

this one was made from a fancy onesie (note the picot edging?) and a small shirt I bought at the 99 cent store a while back... (originally for the owl shirt, but it's easier to machine appliqué onto an unsewn shirt, so I wound up not using this one... till now, obvi)
I cut the shirt right below the armpits, and sewed the bottom part to the onesie, then cut strips from the chest/back leftovers, and made 3 little roses (again, like the standard ribbon roses). I sewed the 3 roses to the front, then made the leftover strips into a bow/ribbon dangles from the center flower...