Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Virtual Quilting Bee?

so many blogs I read seem to be involved in Bees.... So, I've decided to join in (Carol?, Debbie? would either of you like to join?)... I'm participating in a 16-month international one that starts next month, and I think I'm going to host my own... perhaps starting in April?
if you read this blog, you know the sorts of quilts I'm drawn to, but I'm hoping to use these Bees to expand my quilting palate...
if you are interested, please let me know, either by commenting (make sure I can get your email via your comment), or just email me...
here's a great Bee post, to answer any generic questions you might have...

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to participate but I've never made a quilt so not sure if I would qualify=)
