Thursday, August 19, 2010

A new yellow bird puppet

My son starts preschool next month, and in the course of conversing with his soon-to-be-teacher at one of the summer playdates, it came out that the classroom puppet needs replacing...

the 1st year students are called yellow birds (the 2nd years are called red birds, and this naming of classrooms seems to go back to the beginning of the preschool, 50-ish years ago)

so, I borrowed the rather despondant puppet, some tracing paper, fleece (for practicing), and some new, lush, faux fur in a VERY bright primary yellow. (I couldn't find red faux fur, so the red puppet is going to be a very soft minkee)

see how closely I matched the color:

before cutting into my rather expensive faux fur, I decided to test the pattern and construction with a trial run in (mustard) yellow fleece (with a scrap of swimsuit for the inside beak, and button eyes)...

not too shabby, if I do say so myself....

(the pocket on the back of the puppet holds nametags for the kiddos)

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