Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kids Clothes Week Challenge (aka KCWC)

Here's my 1st day of participation!
I cut the pocket linings for 4 pairs of pants for d (the linings won't show once on, but will hopefully make the pants more fun for him to wear. The special linings are SECRET, and that, of course, makes them VERY cool to a 4 y/o boy). I will be using the Oliver + S Sketchbook shorts pattern, but I lengthened them into pants. I, and, more importantly, D, LOVE the shorts, so the pants should be an easy win. I'm making a size 7, with a 24 inch (unhemmed) inseam, so hopefully they'll fit for a long time. He's still fitting (waist-wise) into the very first pair of pants I ever made him (they go just to his knees, with a teeny hem, perfect do the beach!), so I will use a shorter piece of elastic in the back for now.

I also traced/drew/copied out all 15+ pattern pieces of an AWESOME vintage coat/dress/bonnet pattern to make for the Bean. They're a size 2, so they MIGHT fit, but she'll definitely grow into them at some point.
The kids have been occupying themselves with magnetic toys on the fridge, building horizontally rather than vertically, testing gravity, which is awesome, obvi.
Oh, and I finally got a semi-clear shot of Mr Black Olives, aka Kieran, my super-cuddly,( but impossible to photograph) black kitty.

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