Friday, December 17, 2010

a little gnomy-gnome....

I stitched up this gnome for D a while ago, but he asked me for a blanket and pillow for his little gnomy.
LUCKILY, I won a small charm pack from the fabric designer right around the same time, so I sewed up all the little squares (perfect 25 of them), backed them with D's favorite print, bound them with wood grain print left over from C's quilt (that D stole), and then D and I quilted it together.

The Bean totally wants one too, but I don't have any more of this fabric, and I'm assuming that D will get bored of it rather quickly, and then she can have it. she covets it greatly... (she has a small gnome, the 2nd smallest of the panels, and she has multiple doll quilts and pillows already)

here's the back, you can see the binding, which he loves.

and here's the front... it was really hard to figure out how to quilt them, quickly, and not make it look super girly... I think the layout sort of makes the pink blend, instead of being as girly as it could be...
D drew all the quilting lines for me; I held the ruler for some of them, and he traced on either side, "to make a road for his cars to drive on," and he also drew a circle (sorta, I mean, come on, he's 4) all around it, so the cars would have a track...

so some of my "uh-oh, is it too girly" worry was CLEARLY unneccessary....

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happy zombie said...

OH MY GOSH, Ramona! I'm weeping over the cuteness and sweetness of it all!

Melissa said...

I love that he helped you with the quilting design! Perfect!

Simone de Klerk said...

How very pretty, original and special. Wow!

Kim said...

Great way to spend time with your little boy.....who knows maybe he'll be a famous quilt designer one day!

Happy sewing and Merry Christmas

PCovi said...

I have 3 boys who all were tender at that age and it turned out well :)
I love the project!!! Precious!

jednoiglec said...

Great quilt! I love how you placed the charms and the binding... it's perfect!