Lauren, the owner of the AWESOME new sewing lounge/fabric store, Sew Modern, has invited me to teach a class at her store!
I'm going to do an easy kids pants class on March 2, at night, and I'm also going to offer THIS DRESS as a class in April...
It'll be a 2 Saturday-session class, and we timed it so your "little chick" can have a new dress in time for Easter/Passover/Spring...
I've got it sized for little girls 18m-6years old... (that's the Bean in the sized 18m in the back. my kids love the toys and snacks at Sew Modern, and I love the fabric, so it's a love fest, truly.)
Oh, I love the dress!! Crossing my fingers that u offer a tut or pattern?
it will, in fact, be available soon as a downloadable pattern, I just need to work out all the kinks of making a pattern downloadable... or, really, I need to pester my hubs to figure it all out... hopefully within a month...
and i get to be the tester for the dress, yay! i'm really excited about's super cute.
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