Monday, March 21, 2011

insane = me.

I'm crazy, admittedly. current QUILT projects (because including my in-progress clothing/designing/knitting/crocheting/embroidering/crafting projects would take all night)
1) a pickledish quilt (using the instructions/templates from HERE, but doing it more graphically like the gypsy kisses HERE, but with 30s fabrics and solids, because I love them)
2) a dresden QAL, because I like QALs, and because I already have a dresden ruler, and I obvi have enough fabric, so WHY NOT!?!?!?
(um, ok, I'll add the rest of the QUILTs in progress)
4) a doll quilt that needs binding for the Bean
5) the pinwheel quilt for my MIL (she really wanted it, and it's not a good idea to refuse your MIL)
6) a peacock quilt. (I need to have oodles of moola so I can buy the base fabric, I'm thinking Kona Lagoon or Kona Jade, or maybe being super crazy and pulling an LAMQG and using Ash or Coal.... My bee people made awesome feathers, and I really want to play with them soon.....)
7) the Bean's birthday quilt. It'll get done by the time she turns 3, but she's not 2.5 yet, so I have time. (ack, I just looked for a post to link back to, and I think I started it BEFORE I BLOGGED! ok, time to get cracking!)
8) my cathedral windows. I'm enlarging it to double size. it's more fun this time, as there's no time deadline. and I really like ironing. not so much the sewing, but man, I love ironing small fiddly bits. (I just looked up the link, guess I made myself a liar by deciding to enlarge it. Not done. Not even close. poop.)
OK, now that I'm COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED (because I also have socks to knit for C, bunnies to knit for easter, a large blanket to crochet, Play Pants patterns to finish testing, Aviatrix dress patterns to finish testing, etc, etc, etc. 
here's what I've done so far tonight, though:

128 (or more, since I didn't want to undercut) arcs, (cut from my dad's scrap paper, after the bean colored on the blank side, so they're on their 3rd use! Go Green!)

The Kiddos had the water colors out today, so I borrowed a brush to test the color scheme/block size....

4 arcs complete, with scrapped paper.

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And now I'm off to iron more Cathedral Windows blocks. PAAAARTY!

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