a scrappy square in a square
and an anything goes with a heart theme....
So here he is, happy with his moose. (pattern by Carol's Zoo, fabric is horribly shreddy cotton velvet remnant that I had in my stash. D INSISTED that none of the minkee or fleece I had were the right color, because a moose MUST be brown)
I used the idea from making this bag to whip up an eyeglass case for my gram...
(the top isn't uneven, it's just at an angle, I swear)
sooo happy! I got another old measuring tape from my gram, hence the thank you gift...
I went to the Long Beach International Quilt Festival last night, for preview night, and came home with some awesome goodies. (I'll show them in a different post)
the COOLEST thing I found, though, was this pattern. I bought the pattern and the kit, in colors for my MIL (xmas is only 5 months away!)...
the Bean immediately stole it and filled it. (hence the froggie and rattle inside)
it uses bits of a metal measuring tape to make the hinge! soooo cool!
I'm a huge fan, plus, it took longer to cut than to sew up!
Gotta love fast and easy and cool, right?
clearly, everyone is going to be getting a bag for xmas.
(BTW, the pattern is HORRIBLY written, so I can't really recommend it, but the IDEA is awesome, so, maybe it's worth it?)
Happy Birthday 2010 from Christopher Burke on Vimeo.